UPDATE: October 13, 2014 Chelsea Bostwick, Founder and Club President of "Friends of Wolf Mountain Sanctuary" sent us the following update: At their weekly meeting to discuss fundraising ideas, they talked about our t-shirt fundraiser and vowed to sell as many t-shirts as possible. Their enthusiasm is inspiring! We are so proud of you and honored that you chose to represent Wolf Mountain Sanctuary at your school.
Andy Meyer, a teacher at Malibu High School in Malibu, California, recently visited Wolf Mountain Sanctuary. He was so impressed with his experience with the wolves that he talked to his students about us.The kids were interested and started a club called "Friends of Wolf Mountain Sanctuary." September 17th, 2014 was "Club Day" at the high school. All of the clubs set up tables at lunchtime for the purpose of getting people to join and to raise funds.The Friends of Wolf Mountain Sanctuary enrolled 6 people and raised $100 by selling pizza and cookies (the cookies made by the Club President). We are proud of these young entrepreneurs and leaders!The wolves thank you and send big howls!